bugs in site css: ugly bars and hidden edit buttons

Ciarán O'Riordan ciaran at member.fsf.org
Sat Jan 31 06:20:48 EST 2015

Mike Linksvayer <ml at gondwanaland.com> writes:
>> 1. Wiki buttons disappear
> They are replaced by a "hambuger menu" top right

You're right.  When I click the hamburger, a two-item menu scrolls down from
the hamburger showing "Wiki" and "Tutorial and Guide", and a five-item menu
scrolls up from the bottom edge of the screen, which displays as:


I remember clicking the hamburger before.  It's possible my attention was
drawn to the menu that came from the hamburger and I didn't look at the
bottom menu.  I also remember thinking the hamburger was pointless because
it offered me a link to the wiki, when I was already supposedly on the wiki,
plus one more link - so why not just replace the hamburger with that other
link.  I see now of course the misunderstanding, but that's my UI experience
as a visitor.

So, I'd say the fallback mode (hamburger) is buggy, and other spacing bugs
cause visitors to be unnecessarily dropped into fallback mode.

Ciarán O'Riordan
+32 (0) 485 118 029

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