k.copyleft.org replaces gitorious: Instructions in this email (was Re: Gitorious Apocalypse: plan to switch to self-hosted Kallithea for copyleft.org)

Bradley M. Kuhn bkuhn at ebb.org
Thu Apr 2 23:58:25 EDT 2015


We've left Gitorious, because it's leaving us in mere weeks.  If you've
got a clone of the Guide around, you'll need to make a small change.
Specifically, if you've never submitted a merge request on Gitorious,
then the you want to start following the project in Git on the new
Kallithea instance rather than Gitorious:

    $ git remote set-url origin https://k.copyleft.org/guide
    $ git config branch.master.remote https://k.copyleft.org/guide
    $ git config branch.next.remote https://k.copyleft.org/guide

More Details:

I've completed the migration from gitorious to Kallithea for the
Copyleft Guide repository.  I just "gave up" on the following items,
because there is absolutely no way to export them from Gitirous without
screen scraping:

  * Closed merge requests

  * Comments on diffs (there were hardly any of these)

  * Any other Gitorious-stored metadata

I have, however, screen scraped, by hand, all open merge requests.  This
meant creating accounts for a few of you on k.copyleft.org.  If I had or
found a a GPG key for you, I emailed you your password already, but
please change them.  If you haven't got such email, requesting a
password reset should work via k's web interface.

Oh, and in the process, I discovered two merge requests that enyst
submitted but just weren't showing on the gitorious web interface.  I
think it was because enyst already deleted the enyst Gitorious user

If you need more details on how to contribute now, I've updated all the
instructions for contributing.  See: 
   -- bkuhn

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