Guide in epub format?

Bradley M. Kuhn bkuhn at
Sun Dec 7 14:06:24 EST 2014

Srivats P wrote:
> Would it be possible to have the guide in epub format ..  ... Any quick 'n
>dirty alternative?

This is already on a TODO list for the project.

I investigated this for about an hour a few weeks ago.  Here are the notes I

  #in same dir as monolith, make sure no boostrap HTML tags.
  tidy -asxhtml -output x.xhtml
  pandoc -x.xhtml -o pandoc.ebook


  Need to get rid of the $I$ stuff for HTML/epub outputs.

  Quotation stuff ok? formatting wise.

That might be enough to get yourself an epub version. :)

I expect to have time to make epub officially supported in the build before
the end of the year.

My main problem is I don't have a device that people tend to read epub
documents on, so I have to just test with the desktop Free Software to read
epubs, which may not tell me how good the output is.

If you're available to test when the time comes, that would be most
appreciated.  Are you available to help with that?

> I realize the sources are in tex and epub is not a standard texinfo
> output format.

Actually, the guide does not use Texinfo, but rather LaTeX.  That does make
the problem a bit easier.

   -- bkuhn

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